Understanding Linux (Linux Primer) Eğitimi

  • Eğitim Tipi: Classroom
  • Süre: 1 Gün
Bu eğitimi kendi kurumunuzda planlayabilirsiniz. Bize Ulaşın!

Birçok kurum, muhtemelen program geliştiricilerine istedikleri platformu kullanabilmeleri için seçenek sunmak, ağ sunucusuna alternatif sağlamak veya güvenlik bulmacasına bir parça daha eklemek amacıyla mevcut altyapılarına Linux makinelerini de eklemektedirler.

  • Typically, delegate skills will include a good appreciation of operating system principles, and familiarity with computer structure and design.

Bu 1 günlük etkinlik, birçok farklı işletim sistemine yönelik bilgisayar becerilerini Linux’a aktarmayı düşünen kişilere yöneliktir.

Eğitim ayrıca karar vericiler, sistem analistleri ve günümüz bilgisayar sektöründe Linux’u konumlandırmaya çalışan diğer profesyonellere Linux hakkında üst düzey bilgiler sunmak amacıyla da uygun bir eğitimdir.

At the end of this course you will be able to:

  • Place Linux in the server and desktop IT market
  • Understand origins of Linux and role of Linux distributors
  • Describe open source development model
  • Discuss the platforms and hardware supported by Linux kernel
  • Interrogate and manipulate Linux processes
  • Perform simple instructions at both graphical and command line interfaces
  • Understand the client/server nature of X Window System and X applications
  • Appreciate the power of Linux data manipulation tools and techniques
  • Use redirection and piping techniques
  • Use basic network communication tools
  • Obtain on-line help for commands and configuration
  • Be aware of other sources of help - community, magazines, books, LUGs


  • Linux? Why?
  • Unix Market and place for Linux within it
  • OSS (Open Source Software) principles
  • GNU GPL and Linux philosophy
  • Linux distributors

A Session with Linux

  • Character interface
  • Working with the command line
  • Examples of simple commands
  • The X Windows system; Graphical interface
  • Linux Windows Managers
  • Login procedure

Hardware and Architecture

  • Types of platforms Linux will run on
  • Minimum hardware requirements; Supported devices
  • Motherboards, disks, video cards, printers, mouse
  • Ethernet cards and modems; Laptops specifics
  • Linux kernel and system architecture
  • Configuring the kernel; Dynamic loading of kernel modules

Processes and Memory Management

  • Processes
  • Types of process
  • Scheduling
  • Interprocess communication
  • Memory handling
  • System initialisation

Tools and Utilities

  • Principles of Linux tools
  • System examination utilities
  • Common data utilities
  • Redirection
  • Pipes

Linux in a TCP/IP Network

  • Internet and Linux
  • TCP/IP as the network protocol
  • TCP/IP interrogation tools
  • User commands
  • Linux as a network server

Linux and Applications

  • DOS Utilities within Linux
  • Unix Market and place for Linux within it
  • Software Emulators
  • Linux Databases
  • End-user applications
  • Inter-operability with other operating systems
  • Open Software projects and initiatives

Getting Help

  • On-Line manual pages
  • Gnome Help Browser
  • Exploring the system
  • Locating documentation; on-line FAQ files
  • Getting help on the Internet
  • Distributor sites
  • Magazines, books

Eğitimlerle ilgili bilgi almak ve diğer tüm sorularınız için bize ulaşın!

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