Management Skills for New Managers Eğitimi

  • Eğitim Tipi: Classroom / Virtual Classroom / Online
  • Süre: 2 Gün
Bu eğitimi kendi kurumunuzda planlayabilirsiniz. Bize Ulaşın!

Başarılı yöneticiler işleri yaptıranlardır. Sizi diğerlerinden ayıran yönetim sanatını öğrenin. Rehberli rol oyunlarının, kendi kendini denetlemelerin ve ayrıntılı beceri alıştırmalarının yer aldığı bu eğitimde motivasyon, görevlendirme, koçluk, iletişim, performans yönetimi ve liderlik konularını keşfedeceksiniz.

İlgili beceriler konusundaki eksikliklerinizi gidermek ve ekibinizin ve kendinizin kariyerini yepyeni seviyelere çıkartmak için bu eğitime katılın. Öğrendiklerinizi uygulamaya hazır olun ve işinize başarılı ve etkin bir yönetici olmanıza yardımcı olacak bu yeni bilgiler ve pratik yöntemlerle geri dönün.

There are no prerequisites for this course.

Managers with one to three years of experience who are seeking additional management training.

Boost your confidence level as a new manager

Build skills to help employees gain more competence

Match your leadership style to your employees’ developmental needs 

Develop a climate that fosters motivation and camaraderie

Prepare to point the way for your team by providing clear vision and direction

Equip employees with the resources they need to be effective

Confidently help employees solve problems and overcome barriers

Seminar Frequently Asked Questions

Is this training good for first-time managers?

The Management Skills for New Managers training is a great resource for first time managers. This seminar allows you to build the solid foundation and habits you'll need to be a successful manager.

Are there specific management exercises that I can share with my team after the seminar?

Yes, after every seminar attendees are given various materials and resources to continue to build on what they learned. These resources can be shared with peers, but they may be lacking the hands on context the seminar provides.

What managerial skills will this seminar help improve?

Some of the skills you can expect to work on during this seminar will be leadership, communication, critical thinking, collaboration. The training is designed to give you a well rounded understanding of what it takes to be a good manager.

What type of credits or certifications can I earn with this seminar?

 is an approved provider of project management training by PMI. So you can Project managers can receive PDUs for training. 

Defining Your Role as a Manager

Identify Qualities Required for Effective Management

Define Management

Describe How Managers Provide Value

Identify the Roles and Responsibilities Managers Perform

Describe the Contextual Issues and Challenges Managers Face

Continuous Performance Management

Define the Goal of Performance Management

Describe a Process for Effective Performance Management

Identify the Challenges to Performance Management

Demonstrate the Skills of Performance Management

Understanding and Appreciating Situational Leadership® II

“The Art of Influencing Others”

Definition of Leadership as an Art of Influencing Others

Examining the Three Skills of a Situational Leader

Applying the Three Skills

Coaching for Performance

Define Coaching

Identify the Importance of Coaching

Identify the Requirements for Effective Coaching

Identify the Micro-skills of Effective Coaching

Use a Process for Coaching Behavioral Challenges

Identify the Difference Between Coaching and Discipline

Building a Motivational Climate

Identify the Manager’s Role in Employee Motivation

Define Motivation

Identify the Importance of a Motivational Climate

Recognize Important Elements of the Motivational Process

Identify Managerial Practices for Building a Motivational Climate

Delegating for Growth and Development

Identify the Types of Delegation That Managers Can Engage In

Identify the Importance of, and the Barriers to, Effective Delegation

Assess Your Current Delegation Practices

Identify What Can—and Can’t—Be Delegated

Describe the Phases of Effective Delegation

Use a Process for Conducting a Delegation Discussion

Eğitimlerle ilgili bilgi almak ve diğer tüm sorularınız için bize ulaşın!

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