Learn the Basics of Machine Learning with IBM Watson Studio Eğitimi

  • Eğitim Tipi: Classroom
  • Süre: 1 Gün
Bu eğitimi kendi kurumunuzda planlayabilirsiniz. Bize Ulaşın!

This course is being delivered by an IBM Global Training Provider

This course introduces a case study, data set, machine learning concepts, and developing a machine learning model with Watson Studio.

Initially, you will be introduced to the case study and the challenges company facing, and the company data set. Next, you will be introduced to supervised, unsupervised learning, deep and reinforcement learning algorithms. Finally, you will develop a supervised machine learning model IBM Watson Studio with the dataset provided using Python.

Recommended Audience

AI Specialists who want to learn machine learning algorithms

  • Some experience in Python
  • Some experience in Jupyter notebook
  • Some experience in Watson Studio or completion of Watson Studio Primer
  • A Watson Studio Lite plan

  • Describe the use case and the data set
  • Distinguish between supervised and unsupervised machine learning
  • Define deep learning and reinforcement learning
  • Demonstrate the basic functions of Watson Studio for machine learning

  • Introduction to the case study and the data set
  • Introduction to Machine Learning
  • Developing the model

Eğitimlerle ilgili bilgi almak ve diğer tüm sorularınız için bize ulaşın!

Yakın tarihte açılacak eğitimler

Sınıf eğitimlerimizi İstanbul, Ankara ve Londra ofislerimizde düzenlemekteyiz. Kurumunuza özel eğitimleri ise, dilediğiniz tarih ve lokasyonda organize edebiliriz.

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