CompTIA IT Fundamentals Eğitimi

  • Eğitim Tipi: Classroom
  • Süre: 5 Gün
  • Seviye: Fundamentals
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Bu 5 günlük eğitim CompTIA IT Temel Unsurlar Sertifikasyonu için yetkin hale gelmek isteyenlere yönelik olarak tasarlanmıştır.

CompTIA Bilgi Teknolojisi (IT) Temel Unsurlar Sertifikasyonu, PC desteğinde birkariyere başlamak için temel yetkinliktir.

Bu 5 günlük eğitim CompTIA IT Temel Unsurlar Sertifikasyonu için yetkin hale gelmek isteyenlere yönelik olarak tasarlanmıştır.

CompTIA Bilgi Teknolojisi (IT) Temel Unsurlar Sertifikasyonu, PC desteğinde birkariyere başlamak için temel yetkinliktir.

CompTIA IT Fundamentals eğitimi, öğrencilere ve kariyerlerinde değişiklik yapmak isteyenlere BT alanında kariyer sahibi olma konusunda başarılı olup olmayacaklarına dair karar vermelerinde yardımcı olan, başlangıç seviyesinde bir yetkinliktir.

Öncesinde bilgisayar konusunda deneyimi olmayan ancak BT teknisyeni olarak veya BT müşteri desteği / yardım masası alanında kariyer sahibi olmayı düşünenler için idealdir.

İlgili sınavın bu eğitime dahil olmadığını lütfen unutmayın. Pearson Vue sınavına ilişkin katılım hakkını satın almak istiyorsanız lütfen QA müşteri temsilciniz ile irtibata geçin.

This course is designed to help you acquire the knowledge and skills to set up and use a computer at home securely and keep it in good working order, provide informal support for PCs and simple computer networks to your colleagues in a small business, and prepare to study for the CompTIA A+ certification in PC support skills or other advanced IT education programs.

On course completion, you will be able to.

  • Set up a computer workstation running Windows and use basic software applications.
  • Understand the functions and types of devices used within a computer system.
  • Apply basic computer maintenance and support principles.
  • Configure computers and mobile devices to connect to home networks and to the internet.
  • Identify security issues affecting the use of computers and networks.

Module 1 – Using Computers
  • Common Computing Devices
  • Information Technology
  • Personal Computers (PC)
  • Mobile Devices
  • Internet of Things (IoT) Devices
Using a Workstation
  • Setting up a PC System
  • Ergonomic Concepts
  • Navigating an OS
  • Using Input Devices
  • Recognising Desktop Icons
  • Working with Windows
Using an OS
  • Functions of an Operating System
  • Types of Operating System
  • Microsoft Windows
  • Apple macOS and iOS
  • Linux, Chrome, and Android
  • File Explorer
  • Windows Settings and Control Panel
  • Using a Web Browser
Managing an OS
  • Management Interfaces
  • Process and Service Management
  • Memory and Disk Management
  • Command Line Interfaces
  • Access Control and Protection
Troubleshooting and Support
  • Support and Troubleshooting
  • Identifying the Problem
  • Understanding the Problem
  • Resolving and Documenting the Problem
  • Troubleshooting PC Issues
  • Getting Support
  • Using a Search Engine
Module 2 – Using Apps and Databases

Using Data Types and Units
  • Notational Systems
  • Units of Measure
  • Data Types
  • Data Representation
  • The Value of Data
  • Intellectual Property
  • Data-driven Business Decisions
Using Apps
  • Installing Applications
  • Application Management
  • Managing Software Licensing
  • Productivity Software
  • Collaboration Software
  • Business Software
Programming and App Development
  • Programming Logic
  • Programming Languages
  • Programming Concepts
  • Object-Orientated Programming
  • Scripting Languages
  • Application Platforms and Delivery
Using Databases
  • Database Concepts
  • Database Structures
  • Relational Methods
  • Database Access Methods
  • Application Architecture Models
Module 3 – Using Computer Hardware

System Components
  • Selecting a Computer
  • Motherboard Components
  • Processors
  • Features of Processors
  • System and Expansion Bus Technologies
  • System Cooling
  • BIOS and EUFI System Firmware
Using Device Interfaces
  • Computer Port and Connector Types
  • USB and Firewire
  • Graphics Devices
  • Graphic Device Interfaces
  • Input Devices
  • Configuring Peripherals
  • Bluetooth
  • RF and Near Field Communications (NFC)
  • Networking Interfaces
Using Peripheral Devices
  • Installing and Uninstalling Peripherals
  • Display Devices
  • Display Settings
  • Multimedia Ports and Devices
  • Printer Types
  • Installing and Configuring a Printer
  • Scanners and Cameras
Using Storage Devices
  • System Memory
  • Mass Storage Devices
  • Optical Discs and Drives
  • Removable Flash Memory Devices
Using File Systems
  • Managing the File System
  • Folders and Directories
  • File Explorer
  • Files
  • File Attributes and Permissions
  • Searching for Folders and Files
  • File Types and Extensions
Module 4 -Using Networks

Networking Concepts
  • Networking Components
  • TCP/IP
  • Internet Protocol
  • Packet delivery and Forwarding
  • DNS and URLs
  • Internet Application Services
Connecting to a Network
  • Internet Service Types
  • Wireless Internet Services
  • Setting up a Wireless Network
  • Configuring a Wireless Client
  • Connecting to an Enterprise Network
Secure Web Browsing
  • Safe Browsing Practices
  • Configuring Browser Security
  • Managing Cookies and PII (personal identifiable information)
  • Digital Certificates and Anti-phishing
  • Enabling a Firewall
Using Shared Storage
  • Local Network Sharing and Storage
  • Windows File Sharing
  • Hosted Sharing and Storage
  • Backups
  • Windows Backup
Using Mobile Devices
  • Using a Mobile Device
  • Mobile Applications and App Stores
  • Network Connectivity
  • Email Configuration
  • Synchronisation and Data Transfer
Module 5 – Security Concepts

Security Concerns
  • Computer Security Basics
  • Social Engineering
  • Business Continuity
  • Disaster Recovery
Using Best Practices
  • Securing Devices
  • Malware
  • Preventing Malware Infections
  • Spam
  • Software Sources and Patch Management
Using Access Controls
  • Access Controls
  • User Account Types
  • Authentication Factors
  • Uses of Encryption
  • Password Cracking and Management
Behavioural Security Concepts
  • Policies and Procedures
  • Handling Confidential Information
  • Acceptable Use Policies
  • Expectations of Privacy

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