Communication and Interpersonal Skills for Technical Professionals Eğitimi

  • Eğitim Tipi: Classroom / Virtual Classroom / Online
  • Süre: 2 Gün
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Ortak anlayışı oluşturmak için sözlü olan ve olmayan teknikleri uygulayın

İlişkileri güçlendirmek ve performans hedeflerine erişmek için bir iletişim sistemini stratejik bir biçimde uygulayın.

Daha iyi iş ilişkilerini destekleyen aktif öğrenim becerileri geliştirin

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Projeleri daha hızlı tamamlamak ve itibarınızı arttırmak için etkileme becerilerini kullanın

Çatışmaları verimli bir şekilde yönetebilir olun

Başarıya ulaşmak için teknik profesyonellerin, teknik konulardaki özelliklerine ek olarak güçlü ve esnek kişiler arası becerileri ve iletişim becerileri olmalıdır.

All technical and IT professionals who need to develop the interpersonal and communication skills necessary to effectively convey their knowledge to those around them.

Whether you’re an IT professional, engineer, scientist, or researcher, communicating with others—both technical and nontechnical professionals—is an essential part of the job. This seminar will give you the interpersonal and communication tools you need to ensure mutual clarity and understanding when dealing with others, so you can maximize all your business interactions and achieve your critical goals.

Identifying Differences Between Technical and Nontechnical Professionals

Recognizing the differences in communication needs/expectations of technical vs. nontechnical professionals

Understanding the impact of generational characteristics on communication within and outside of technical areas

Analyzing your own work situation based on communication needs and expectations

Interpersonal Strategies to Help You Get Your Points Across in Diverse Circumstances

Distinguishing communication style preferences to better understand and influence others

Determining your personal communication styles with the DiSC® profile

Identifying the strengths and limitations of your DiSC® profile

Using behavioral clues to determine others’ personal styles

Describing how to more effectively work with other styles

Strategically Applying a Communication System to Enhance Relationships

Differentiating between verbal and nonverbal communications

Assessing your own nonverbal traits and developing an improvement plan

Identifying criteria for establishing trust and building credibility

Using a communication model to conduct more effective conversations

Developing Active Listening Skills to Promote Better Work Relationships

Recognizing the role of listening in effective communications

Knowing when and how to acknowledge emotions and ideas

Applying effective listening techniques to own work situations

Communication Strategies to Help You Achieve Your Goals

Determining when to use open and closed-ended questions

Demonstrating and applying the effective use of informing, directing and criticizing

Productively Managing Conflict

Using and applying the AEIOU model to assertively build shared expectations

Determining your own conflict style using the Thomas-Kilmann Conflict Mode Instrument

Developing an action plan to apply these techniques to your own work situations

Eğitimlerle ilgili bilgi almak ve diğer tüm sorularınız için bize ulaşın!

Yakın tarihte açılacak eğitimler

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