Building Data Lakes on AWS Eğitimi

  • Eğitim Tipi: Classroom
  • Süre: 1 Gün
  • Seviye: Intermediate
Bu eğitimi kendi kurumunuzda planlayabilirsiniz. Bize Ulaşın!

We recommend that attendees of this course have:

  • Completed the AWS Technical Essentials classroom course
  • One year of experience building data analytics pipelines or have completed the Data Analytics
  • Fundamentals digital courseBuilding Data Lakes on AWS

In this course, you will learn to:

  • Apply data lake methodologies in planning and designing a data lake
  • Articulate the components and services required for building an AWS data lake
  • Secure a data lake with appropriate permission
  • Ingest, store, and transform data in a data lake
  • Query, analyze, and visualize data within a data lake

Module 1: Introduction to data lakes

  • Describe the value of data lakes
  • Compare data lakes and data warehouses
  • Describe the components of a data lake
  • Recognize common architectures built on data lakes

Module 2: Data ingestion, cataloging, and preparation

  • Describe the relationship between data lake storage and data ingestion
  • Describe AWS Glue crawlers and how they are used to create a data catalog
  • Identify data formatting, partitioning, and compression for efficient storage and query
  • Lab 1: Set up a simple data lake

Module 3: Data processing and analytics

  • Recognize how data processing applies to a data lake
  • Use AWS Glue to process data within a data lake
  • Describe how to use Amazon Athena to analyze data in a data lake

Module 4: Building a data lake with AWS Lake Formation

  • Describe the features and benefits of AWS Lake Formation
  • Use AWS Lake Formation to create a data lake
  • Understand the AWS Lake Formation security model
  • Lab 2: Build a data lake using AWS Lake Formation

Module 5: Additional Lake Formation configurations

  • Automate AWS Lake Formation using blueprints and workflows
  • Apply security and access controls to AWS Lake Formation
  • Match records with AWS Lake Formation FindMatches
  • Visualize data with Amazon QuickSight
  • Lab 3: Automate data lake creation using AWS Lake Formation blueprints
  • Lab 4: Data visualization using Amazon QuickSightBuilding Data Lakes on AWS

Module 6: Architecture and course review

  • Post course knowledge check
  • Architecture review
  • Course review

Eğitimlerle ilgili bilgi almak ve diğer tüm sorularınız için bize ulaşın!

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